Pluralism, Politics, and St. Augustine | Kristen Deede Johnson

Pluralism, Politics, and St. Augustine

Kristen Deede Johnson


For the Summer of 2020, we will be releasing midweek episodes with special focus on theology and politics. How can Christians engage in politics and public witness while remaining faithful to the lordship of Christ? On this first episode we are joined by Kristen Deede Johnson, a professor of theology at Western Theological Seminary. She tells us her story of becoming interested in the intersection between theology and politics––and shares what insight we can gain from St. Augustine with regard to our own political moment.

This resource is part of the series Kingdom Politics. Click Here to explore more resources from this series.

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Kristen Deede Johnson is a Professor of Theology and Christian Formation at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI. She completed her PhD in Theology at the University of St. Andrews. She is the author of Theology, Political Theory, and Pluralism: Beyond Tolerance and Difference and co-author of The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance.

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