On Barth's Ecclesiology | Kimlyn Bender

On Barth’s Ecclesiology

Kimlyn Bender

Professor Kimlyn Bender joins the podcast to share share about his farmers' town upbringing, how he first became interested in studying Karl Barth, and the importance of ecclesiology working out the tension between the academy and the church. Dr. Bender argues that Barth is the most important Protestant theologian to engage from the 20th century and that central to Barth's intent for the Dogmatics was that it would be a resource for pastors. With particular emphasis on volume of Church Dogmatics, Dr. Bender describes his project of helping pastors engage Barth and his work's relevance for the church today.

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Kimlyn Bender is Professor of Theology at Truett Seminary of Baylor University. He is a Karl Barth scholar and received his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the author of multiple books, including a recent commentary on 1 Corinthians (Brazos, 2022) and Reading Karl Barth for the Church (Baker, 2019).