The Bishop, Beelzebub, and the Blessings of Materiality: How Irenaeus' Account of the Devil Reshapes the Christian Narrative in a Pro-Terrestrial Direction

BET Archive | Volume 4 – Essays on the Doctrine of Creation

The Bishop, Beelzebub, and the Blessings of Materiality: How Irenaeus' Account of the Devil Reshapes the Christian Narrative in a Pro-Terrestrial Direction

Gerald Hiestand

Abstract (from the Editorial of BET vol. 4.1)

Gerald Hiestand expounds Irenaeus of Lyons’ account of the Devil in relation to his cosmology to challenge the more common “Miltonian” reading of the Fall narrative and to reorient our reading of Scripture in a more earth- affirming direction.


Gerald Hiestand is the Co-Founder and Board Chair of the Center for Pastor Theologians. He has over 15 years of pastoral ministry experience and currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL. He is the editor and author/co-author of several books, including The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision. He holds a PhD in Classics from the University of Reading. He is also a founding member of the St. Anselm Fellowship of the CPT.