People of Hope in an Age of Anxiety: Positive Psychology and Theological Virtue

CPTJ Archive | Volume 10 – Essays on Hope

People of Hope in an Age of Anxiety: Positive Psychology and Theological Virtue


Abstract (from the Editorial of CPTJ vol. 10.1)

Matt O’Reilly offers a vision of hopeful pastoring in the age of anxiety. Unearthing the roots of our anxious age, the essay ultimately offers pastoral wisdom for shepherding our congregations through these anxious times, making the connection between hopelessness and anxiety, and so painting a vision of communities of Christ followers whose lives are a witness to the hope that is ours in Christ.


Dr. Matt O’Reilly is pastor of Christ Church in Birmingham, Alabama, a member of the St. Peter Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians, and Director of Research at Wesley Biblical Seminary.