You Are Not an Algorithm: Cultivating Hope for Scientific and Theological Dialogue in a Technological Age

CPTJ Archive | Volume 10 – Essays on Hope

You Are Not an Algorithm: Cultivating Hope for Scientific and Theological Dialogue in a Technological Age

Nathan Barczi

Abstract (from the Editorial of CPTJ vol. 10.2)

Nathan Barczi offers pastoral insight into cultivating hope in an age of AI. In this article, Barczi, who serves as a chaplain at MIT, offers us expert analysis of the growth and impact of AI on our world. Barczi calls us to consider what it means to be human, how reflection on AI can help us to sharpen our understanding of the biblical vision of imago Dei, and how engaging these conversations can shape us as a hopeful people.


Phil Anderas is Associate Pastor at Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Cambridge, MA. Nathan holds a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as a PhD in Theology from the University of Nottingham. Nathan is a member of the St. Augustine Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.