Navigating Denominational Tension as an Evangelical | Douglas Sweeney

Navigating Denominational Tension as an Evangelical

Doug Sweeney

Doug Sweeney, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, joins the podcast as this week's guest. Doug is a Jonathan Edwards scholar who serves as a theological mentor and sits on the board of the CPT. He discusses some of his story and how he came to worship in the Lutheran tradition and how he has navigated ongoing theological tensions as an evangelical in historic Protestant denominations.

Click here to listen to Part 2 of this conversation.

Douglas Sweeney is Dean of Beeson Divinity School at Samford University. At the Center for Pastor Theologians he serves on the board and as a theological mentor for the St. John Fellowship. He is the author of several books, including Jonathan Edwards and Scripture (Oxford, 2018) and The American Evangelical Story (Baker Academic, 2006).

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