On Pastoring, Teaching, and Publishing | Douglas O'Donnell

On Pastoring, Teaching, and Publishing | Douglas O’Donnell

Douglas O'Donnell

This is part two of a two-part conversation. Click here to listen to part one.

CPT fellow Doug O'Donnell joins for the second half of his story of faith, education, and ministry calling. What are the differences and similarities between academic and pastoral ministry vocations? Is the pastoral calling a lifelong calling? How do denominational structures and personal wiring relate to our sense of calling and vocation? All this and more in this wide ranging conversation.

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Douglas Sean O’Donnell is the Senior Vice President of Bible Editorial at Crossway. He previously served as Senior Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church and a senior lecturer in Biblical Studies and Practical Theology at Queensland Theological College in Brisbane, Australia. He has authored, edited, and contributed to a number of books, including two children’s books, six commentaries on the Bible, and The Pastor’s Book with R. Kent Hughes. Doug holds a PhD from the University of Aberdeen and is a member of the St. John Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.