Becoming a Pastor Theologian | Daryl Ellis

Becoming a Pastor Theologian

Daryl Ellis

Daryl Ellis, executive pastor at Church of the Master and a member of the CPT St. Augustine Fellowship, joins the podcast to share his story about faith, his shift away from an Evangelical Free Church background, education, and how theology informs his administrative-oriented role. Along the way he discusses his adoption of an Augustinian and Thomistic approach to theology from a more Barthian understanding. Listen now for a great conversation that addresses natural theology, the retrieval of a Thomistic theology of the body for evangelicalism, the guiding hand of God, and much more.

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Daryl Ellis is the Executive Pastor at Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo, CA. He holds a PhD from Vanderbilt University and is a member of the St. Augustine Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.