Strange Medicine: Retrieving Martin Bucer's Understanding of Penance

BET Archive | Volume 8 - Essays on Forgiveness

Strange Medicine: Retrieving Martin Bucer's Understanding of Penance

Joseph Sherrard

Abstract (from the Editorial of BET vol. 8.2)

Joseph Sherrard explores Martin Bucer’s theology of penance and its connection to forgiveness. Demonstrating that most recent studies of forgiveness focus on the forgiver, Sherrard focuses on the heart of the one being forgiven, and calls pastor theologians to a commitment to the formation of the trespasser. Mining the wisdom of Bucer’s The True Care of Souls, Sherrard opens up Bucer’s pastoral care for those who have sinned against others, and provides a needed model for forming those who have offended against others and need to seek forgiveness.


Joey Sherrard is Associate Pastor of Discipleship at Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church in Tennessee. He received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, UK. Joey is a member of the St. John Fellowship of the Center For Pastor Theologians.