Volume 8.1
Essays On Forgiveness
Fall 2021

Both biblical scholarship and the social sciences declare the essential nature of forgiveness to the life of following Christ. Jesus told us to forgive, not seven times, but seventy times seven times. The Scriptures tell us that forgiveness is the way to true life with God and neighbor, that we must move toward a person who has harmed us if we are to move closer to God. Our failure to forgive is a hindrance to our understanding the depth of God’s forgiveness of us, and so a barrier to truly experiencing the depth of God’s love. At the same time, the social sciences reveal the complexities of the process of forgiveness, allowing us to see that a quick pastoral demand to forgive can bring great harm to a human soul, not allowing a person who has been transgressed against to go through a proper process of forgiveness.

Volume 8.2
Essays On Forgiveness
Fall 2021