The Assurance of Forgiveness in John Wesley's Experience and Preaching: Death Anxiety and Psychological Well-Being

BET Archive | Volume 8 - Essays on Forgiveness

The Assurance of Forgiveness in John Wesley's Experience and Preaching: Death Anxiety and Psychological Well-Being

Matt O’Reilly

Abstract (from the Editorial of BET vol. 8.1)

Matt O’Reilly offers a vision of forgiveness rooted in John Wesley’s life and ministry. Directing our attention to the relation between the fear of death, anxiety, and forgiveness, O’Reilly calls pastors to proclaim the Gospel of assurance—the Gospel that proclaims we are forgiven, that death is defeated, and that we as individuals and congregations can live in forgiving relationships with one another, and so be transformed by the Spirit of Christ.


Matt O’Reilly is the Pastor of Hope Hull United Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama, a member of the St. Peter Fellowship of the Center For Pastor Theologians, and an adjunct member of the faculties of Asbury Theological Seminary and Wesley Biblical Seminary. You can learn more about Matt's ministry on his website, Orthodoxy for Everyone.